Professional photo taken at KSU job fair

Hey! My name is Viviene Coello and I have a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Studies from Kennesaw State University. My course work has included biology, chemistry, and psychology classes. After graduating in May, I plan on applying to a physician’s assistant program. I was born in Miami, Florida but I’ve spent most of my life in metro Atlanta. My mother is from Costa Rica and my father is from Honduras. A life-changing experience I had was the two years I lived in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. It began my love of traveling, people, and immersing myself in different cultures.

I never considered myself a writer. When I was younger, I enjoyed creative writing but as I grew up math and science won my heart. Most of the writing I’ve done has been lab reports and research papers. It wasn’t until I changed my major to integrative studies that I was able to continue taking my science courses and explore other disciplines I’m interested in.

When I switched majors, I took the course Interviewing to prepare myself for graduate school and future employer interviews. The class took a journalistic approach which reminded me how much I enjoyed writing. It also showed me how much I need to improve. I am here because I want to better my writing skills not only for myself but also for the benefits writing skills can have in a professional world. I also would like to start writing about my travels and life experiences.

If you would like to hear more about what I can offer professionally please watch my elevator speech.

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